My First PR

My First PR

I had just started to train at a local gym at the age of twelve.  Not very big and a bit clumsy. My life became whole as I moved the weights six days a week.  I was just starting to understand what it meant to work hard for something.  As much as I gave, the weights gave back.  What it gave back was the feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment and pride. These are great feelings to have to live life to its fullest.  One day I saw I large man bench press over four hundred pounds.  After the lift, he said to everyone that this was a PR.  I asked him, what was a PR.  He said that a PR was a personal record(PR).  So, I went over to the bench press and pushed up 135 pounds for one rep.  I took my journal out and wrote Bench - 135 - 1 REP --- PR.  Then I wrote next to it a goal of 155 - 2 months.  After that day I was taught a great life lesson that I use everyday.  Goals are great things to have and use as motivators in life.  Whats better?  To achieve those goals.  To make a PR.